It's funny it's not until you have to write about yourself that you realize how dull you are! Anyway on to the facts!

1) My name is Claire and I live in England
2) I'm 21 years old
3) I have recently finished a degree in English and Communication and media and now I am starting my degree in teaching adults.
4) I'm a meat eater now but for three months I turned pescetarian, then vegetarian for two years then vegan for one. Then I went back to meat due to ease as I was always back and two between houses and uni at the time. One day I might go veggie again!
5) I currently have 4 tattoos; one on each hip and two on my left foot. I have designs drawn up for more which I plan to get once I've started teaching so I can plan where is best to place then.
6) Thanks to university I am amazingly good with trains, not so good with buses! I am learning with buses but on the hole I'm pretty good with public transport.
7) I walk everywhere that's within an hour walk. No idea why I just always enjoy walking more than I do driving/getting a lift!
8) I've been dying my hair black since I was 16 and I am naturally pretty much bleach blonde!
9) My favorite films are 10 Things I Hate About You, Back to the Future and The Muppets Christmas Carol which I have watched every Christmas. Its a Christmas tradition for me!
10) I've been with my boyfriend for just under a year now. Our anniversary is December 9th.
11) I am MASSIVELY into 70's/80's music particularly power ballads! I just think the music back then was so much better and the lyrics meant more!
12) I act about 30, a lot of my friends think I am wise beyond my years and I am often referred to as the mum of the group.
13) My toenails are always painted red. Since I was 16 I painted them red every week!
14) I also never leave my nails on my hands plain, they look naked!
15) I always straighten my hair because naturally it looks like Monica from Friends in that episode they went abroad...
16) I wear glasses and contact lenses, I wear glasses a lot more now as back in school I hated wearing them as they were my only option; however now I have the choice!
17) I have eczema, sensitive skin and I'm allergic to egg.
18) I've never had a Donna kebab and I have no desire to ever try one; bluergh!
19) Nowadays I only have the occasional drink, usually wine, after taking a 40 day break from it for lent I never really wanted to go back to drinking anymore than a few glasses!
20) I have three pets, a Chihuahua and two chinchillas.
21) I love to play darts and I have a dart board in my room.
22) I am also a massive gamer, I'm a Nintendo girl at heart but I do also have a PS3 currently.
23) I am stubborn at heart.
24) I was about 4 stone heavier in high school.
25) I have 9 piercings.
26) I have never had a filling in my teeth.
27) I can't ride a bike.
28) I like swimming but I'm not the strongest at that either...
29) Although I am obsessed with my nails now I used to bite them so much in high school, to stop myself I used that nail polish that tasted awful...
30) My favorite features about myself are my hands and my legs.
31) I enjoy banter, which is probably why I have more guys as mates!
32) I am so over the top with my boots card, if someone is even just buying a buttie or drink and I'm with them and they don't have a boots card I'm like 'wait use mine!'...
33) I can never ever understand why people are nasty, mean or judgmental to one another. I try to be nice and maintain friendships with everyone. I suppose caring is in my nature!
34) I love writing as you can probably tell!
35) I have four bookshelves in my room that are full as well as books shoved under my bed and all along the too of my cupboard. I am obsessed with reading.
36) I danced for just under 11 years doing Tap, jazz, ballet and modern among others.
37) I wanted to become a vet when I was younger but realized I wouldn't be able to cope with the emotional aspect of putting down animals so I decided against it.
38) I like watching shows on TV like documentaries the most.
39) I'm soap mad. Particularly Coronation Street. Before last year I didn't really watch it however now I get genuinely gutted if I fall behind on it... Yes I am sad!
40) Favorite drink is a bottle of Blossom Hill Rose wine or Scrumpy Jack which I recently tried and loved!
41) My favorite none alcoholic drink is Monster, yes I know it's bad for me but I can't help it!
42) I'm in love with Spicy Doritos even though everyone around me after I've eaten them probably hates me...
43) I used to have a bob in high school and then in college but I decided to grow it back out again before university. Now it's below bra length. Even though its a pain I much prefer it long.
44) I go through headphones like they're going out of fashion.
45) I wear my combat boots with everything; yes everything. When I get married I plan on treating myself to an expensive pair of combat boots and wearing them under my dress because that's just me!
46) My favorite color is red!
47) My favorite take out is chicken and bamboo shoots with chips!
48) I haven't had Facebook for about a year now; I can't stand the thing!
49) I am however obsessed with twitter!
50) I've been blogging for around 5 months now!
Love these posts! i love blossom hill too:) x
Can't beat a bit of blossom hill!
Aww, your anniversary is a couple of days after my birthday!..Good things happen in December!
Charlotte x
Aw that is true!