So I read about this blog post over at lashesandsplashes and I thought I would give it a go!

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
My hair is naturally wavy really. It is really really big as well, like a bush on my head but if I take the time and attention to dry it straight with my hair dryer it can be tamed.
2. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
I get it dyed by a hairdresser currently though I am looking in to doing it myself as I have had it black for 5 years so I would like to learn to do it myself. Though I do cut my own fringe myself as I can get it exactly now I want.
3. Do you wear the same style everyday, or do you change it?
I leave my hair natural when I am just running errands and having a casual day but when I'm out and about I usually just straighten it with my GHD's.
4. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I always do my nails myself. I love doing my nails and choosing exactly what I want and making it individual. I also think getting your nails done at a salon is ridiculously over priced. But then I'm a penny saver!
5. How often do you change your nail polish?
I change my nail polish all the time. When my nail varnish chips I change it or when it has separated from the nail bed when my nails are growing. My nail polish bag is so full I feel like it is my obligation to use them all!
6. Do you polish your toes in the winter or just the summer?
All year round. I can't stand them being plain much like my fingernails. Just looks to boring for me! I usually have them red.
7. How long does it take for you to put on makeup?
Depends. Everyday make-up takes me 20 minutes. A night out look can take around half an hour because of the eye make-up. Though I am one of these girls that is good at getting washed, dressed and ready really quick when I have to.
8. What do you do first? Face or eyes?
I always do my face make-up first. Don't know why just always have!
9. Do you collect makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
Bit of both. Though as a rule I won't buy make-up that I won't use!
10. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
Rarely! I am lucky to be blessed with long, thick eyelashes!
11. Do you do a full face of makeup everyday?
Nope! I only really do full make-up when I am out of the evening. Any other time I try and either not wear make-up or go for a natural look.
12. Do you wear makeup when you're home alone or with family?
No I go natural at home!
13. Will you leave the house without makeup?
Yep, I can understand why some girls may be insecure and not able to but I am fine with it!
14. How many high-end products do you have?
Not many. My tanning products are the most expensive as they go all over my body so I don't want them to go wrong!
15. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you're getting dressed?
If it is an occasion like a birthday I will plan it but for everyday clothing I will simply choose on the day. Especially since in England you don't know what the weather will be like at any given moment!
16. How often do you change your handbag?
When it breaks... yes I am that simple. Though I do need to invest in a big bag for folders and stuff for my new course this September!
17. What time do you wake up and go to sleep?
I wake up on a day off around 7am, usually 6am for working days. I usually go to sleep at 11pm every night.
18. How often or when do you workout?
I try to work out at least three times a week.
19. Left handed or right handed?
20. How tall are you?
Between 5'6 and 5'7
21. Do you speak any foreign languages?
Nope sadly!
22. How many pets do you have?
I have two Chinchillas and a pet Chihuahua
23. How often are you on Blogger?
24. Do you read comments posted on blogs?
All the time, and I always reply!
25. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
Usually I do, I write it in my diary if I really am interested in a product.
26. How did you come up with your blog name?
Bella is my nickname and well its a beauty blog! I am bad at making up names!
27. What kind of camera do you use for your photographs?
My Iphone! I would love to invest in a good camera, maybe this Christmas Santa will bring one for me?
28. How often do you clean your house?
I live with my mum and dad so we share cleaning. I clean my room at least 3 times a week because my Chinchillas are in here with me! I hoover everyday!
29. What's your favorite color?
30. Do you swear?
Yes, not at home because I find it disrespectful but with friends and the other half I am awful for it.
31. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
I am going to work on a fake tan review, clean my room to make room for more files and stuff for September and then this evening the Cinema with the boyfriend.
I hope you guys liked this post! I tag anyone that fancies doing this tag post!
I have a chihuahua :) and I also used to have two chinchillas, a few years ago, haha! :) xxx
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading! And small world! They are beautiful little animals I think!