Friday 15 May 2015

Yankee Candle Samplers - Mini Reviews

Hello. My name is Claire and I am a candle-a-holic... there I confessed! Anyone that has ever been to my house or follows my Instagram knows that I am obsessed with candles. Gaz, my better half, funds this obsession by occasionally buying me the smaller sampler candles for my little holder to try. As of late I have built a bit of a collection so I thought I would start doing little mini reviews on all the ones I try! Let me know what you guys think of this type of blog post!

Yankee Candle Samplers - Mini Reviews

I desperately want this candle in the full sized jar. It smells gorgeous. Like dark chocolate! If you're not in to overly foody/sweet scents you may not like this one however I love how true to scent it is. I myself can only smell a hint of the cappuccino scent which I like. If it was any stronger I don't think I would like it!

A lovely blend of sweet and spicey. A very homely, rich candle scent here from Yankee. One you can't really go wrong with if you're looking for a candle to gift to someone else. Yankee describe this as a candle that is good for if you like layering scents which I agree with. It has been a great, deep scent, to burn alongside my sweeter and larger candles.

A gorgeous tropical scented candle. Has a fruity punch to it as you burn it. The colour of the candle is absolutely gorgeous too for those that, like me (I'm sad I know), match their candles with their home.

Not my favourite I must admit, but still a nice candle. Definitely one for the food/cookery lovers out there. Reminds me of walking in to a bakery. Like I said it is not my favourite but it definitely, like all Yankee Candles, true to its name sakes scent.

Apple Spice Potpourri

This is a sampler from the Simply Home range from Yankee Candle which you can find, usually, at Asda. Sadly I could't find a link like the others. This is similar to Tarte Tatin in that it is a very homely scent but a lot deeper with a strong spicy scent. This candle currently lives in my bathroom in my little glass holder and I always get complements on the scent of it, even when it is not burning!

Christmas Treats

Again another candle from the Simply Home range. I still have half of the larger size of this waiting to be burnt for this Christmas. Am I the only one that associates certain candle scents to Christmas? This candle just smells like Christmas candles to me and is so lovely and sweet.

Again, the name describes the scent to a tee here. Another sweet, make your mouth drool scent. I love burning this whilst I'm cooking or in the small hints of summer/spring we are getting! Another one to try for all you food loving, sweet scent fans out there!

A fresh scented candle which is pretty neutral. Very clean it its smell. I would consider buying the large jar of this for my guest bedroom to keep it smelling clean and fresh. Again another great candle to gift to someone else!

Do you have any Yankee Candle/ Candle favourites? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. These all sound amazing, I love yankee candles so much, I bought the new scent, red raspberry and it's the most gorgeous smell ever! x

    Gemma Louise | Just Little Things

    1. I have red raspberry in my kitchen and got my mum the jar for in her living room! Such a gorgeous candle!



  2. I love yankee candles. I only own one, with is a medium jar in lavender and I have just fallen in love. can't wait to get some more

    1. I love that scent, reminds me of home!



  3. Do you find the samplers smell stronger than the actual jars? I buy these to pop into teacups and I often find they can smell up the whole room without even being lit!

    1. Sometimes I do, yes! I think it very much depends on the candle!



  4. I'm a candle addict too! All these fragrances sound lovely :) x

    Rent or Chanel?

  5. I really want to try the cappuccino truffle :)
    Hayley x

  6. Claire's review of various Yankee Candle samplers on her blog gives a delightful overview of scents like Cappuccino Truffle, Tarte Tatin, and Pink Dragon Fruit. She describes each candle's fragrance profile, her personal favorites, and how true each is to its named scent. The post is engaging for candle enthusiasts and offers useful insights into which candles might be worth trying.

