Sunday 26 May 2013

Natural Collection pressed powder review

As you guys know I like to review products and make-up that are cheap or drug-store products as often they contain golden items you wouldn't usually buy. Natural collection, an own brand by boots, has a few products I think are good starter/staple products. Their pressed powder for example is a great no frills powder that you can use to set your foundation and for those who either want a basic pressed powder or who are just starting out with make-up I would recommend this product.

If you would like to see my review of the Natural Collection blush click the links below:

Above: Natural Collection Pressed Powder

So lets talk price, all Natural collection items are £1.99 or three for £5. Usually when I go to their stand I pick up a powder, a concealer and a nail polish just to call it an even £5 and to take advantage of their deal. The powder itself size wise is the size of a normal pressed powder coming in at 10g and I can say from experience that the product takes a while to hit pan. The product comes with no mirror or brush and has a top that screws off. As for colour selection it is pretty narrow. Those of colour will basically not be able to use this brand as it only really offers three colours of the same skin tone; warm neutral and cool. I tend to choose either neutral or cool as to be hones their is not much difference and I would even compare it to a translucent powder. This powder is fragrance free. 

You can purchase this product in Boot stores at their natural collection stand or here.

Above: The front and back of the Natural Collection pressed powder

As you can see the product claims to 'reduce shine' and leave a 'matte finish'. Personally I wouldn't say it makes an active contribution to reducing shine but the finish is edging on a the natural to natural/matte. I believe this is a powder best for those just really wanting a setting powder. Its also a powder that very lightweight on the skin so it makes a great powder to quickly use in summer or to blot yourself with throughout the day. I like to chuck this in my bag as a quick setting powder as then I don't have to worry about it breaking because of its low price!

Above: Swatches of the product without flash (left) and with flash (right)

As you can see from the above picture this powder is of light to medium coverage on its own and is a very light finish. With flash it does have a tendency to go a but shimmery and reflect the light which is why I would not recommend this product for those of you wanting a light weight powder for your face for evening events as your face may come off looking shiny anyway! If you're looking for a powder that doesn't provide any extra colour to the face choose this as it adds no extra colour to your look, which can either be a positive or a negative depending on how you like to use your powder. Because of this I would say its a great product for us naturally pale people out there!

The natural collection range as a whole I would recommended to those younger girls, possibly in the 11-16 age range as its cheap and affordable and most of their products are great to start learning about how make-up works. Also a lot of their make-up isn't that heavy on the skin so it wouldn't be too much on such young skin. For those mums out their looking for products for their young kids; this brand you should look at!

Overall its a good product I like buying this in between treating myself to a more expensive face powder occasionally. I would say I use it as a staple powder in the summer because its just so lightweight in its finish an d on the skin.

Now on to my usual positives and negatives:

  • Cheap - £1.99 each or 3 for £5 constant deal on offer
  • Available for people living in the UK in boots or online
  • A basic no frills powder
  • Great as a starter powder or for younger people
  • Has a matte finish in natural light
  • Doesn't actively stop greasy skin as it claims
  • Can go shimmery and reflect light in flash photography
  • Product doesn't come with a mirror which can be annoying for on the go blotting with powder
  • Not available to those outside the UK

Have you tried any Natural Collection products? What's your opinion?


  1. Hello, I'm Luneta from Indonesia. My grandma give me this product. In Indonesia, I dont find this product. I wil ask you one question, this product animal free?
