1) Use social networking sites - back when I was a student I would often check Facebook and Twitter for various freshers week events. Often different subjects/degree specialties have different groups or societies that often plan freshers activities! Also don't forget to add/accept all the people you meet!
2) Budget! - As much fun as moving out and freshers week is and the idea of going to university it's important you keep an eye on exactly how much you will be spending through the week. You'll be needing the money for things you're probably not used to such as bills and various different things you'll be buying for uni! Not to mention Christmas being round the corner! Eliminate one stress and learn to keep an eye on your finances.
3) Don't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone - some activities may push us shy lot out of our comfort zones but it is important to socialize and feel comfortable with the people you are studying with!
4) Be safe! - For those nights out you do for freshers week be sure to be safe. Have taxi numbers in everyone's phones, pack plasters and such in your bag for those heel incidents, make sure you charge your phone and have credit and make sure at least one person knows your plan for the evening in case something happens! Always stay in groups on nights out! Look out for each other!
5) Don't worry about filling every day with an activity - if you're not feeling it, can't afford it or there aren't many activities that take your fancy don't force yourself to find or make plans! The idea behind freshers week is to have fun so have fun the way you want to!
6) Stock up on vitamins, healthy foods and things for colds/coughs - one thing I learnt VERY QUICKLY through each each is that freshers flu does exist and it is very easily caught! It's nothing too bad just a bad cold and cough but it's best to be prepared if you or your friends/housemates get it!
7) Take photos - these are the best years of your life so make a note of them!
8) Attend Classes - As tempting as it is if you had a night out during the week to skip an early morning class, don't. These initial classes are important to get your footing in your course.
9) Stick to safe drinking habits - freshers week can be intense drinking wise to say the least. My advise here is to stick to one drink. Don't mix! Also don't drink away your loan, this doesn't do you or your bank balance any favors and when you get your reading list for the year you will wish you'd have saved! Also keep an eye on your drink - if you leave a drink don't go back to it!
10) HAVE FUN! - overall have fun! University fly by and before you know it it's over! Enjoy this experience and the chance to meet knew and interesting people in environments that are new to you!
So so you have any freshers tips or words of wisdom? Let us know in the comments below!
Awww. <3